The girl in yellow boots (review)

We had 2 choices, either go for “the girl in yellow boots” by Anurag Kashyap, or try “bodyguard”. Glad i did not go for bodyguard, my wife differs completely. I must say indie films though not in the pure technical term in India have come to a mature level.

I read a review that it was a suspense not a thriller, It is the former yet the climax is very sudden and least expected. Kalki Koechlin (KK) does a lot of justice to her role. She takes her “Shaitan” Performance quite a few notches over here. 

There is just one plot here. Though you might find a lot in the first half to bear, worry not it does build quite a nice punch in the end. Too many “happy endings” or “hand shakes” put in the middle may be a lil bit off the mark here, but the rest makes up for it.

What could have been left out/changed/ etc etc.

  1. The minor sub plot of KK’s boyfriend and his antics. Not sure why that was part or given so much screen time
  2. Nasserudin Shah – The part about him finding the truth – Not really needed.
  3. Background score at the end/climax – should have been more intense.

All in all a must watch if you really want your brain cells to work overtime

Btw if you think you figured out the end before the end. Do let me know how did u manage it.

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